Come to life all starseeds
Those of divinely planted prophecy
Created by none other than Great Spirit
Who sent a call to those who had hearts to hear it
Only the fiercest of whom shall endure it
A spiritual contract signed before birth
To assist in the awakening of Planet Earth
To sacrifice oneself in order to serve
And those souls who said yes
Knew of the great challenge and tests
Incarnated and thus they forget
Yet, God giveth internal knowing
And left guides on the path He’s been showing
So in darkness the starseeds remain glowing
Told that enlightenment would unfold
Stay brave and faithfully bold
Vibrations of love of light must hold
Illusions of separation created mind incarceration
Wars fought and blood spilled over imagination
Fear overshadowed love, compassion, and patience
People and their planet dying
Truth suppressed suffocated by lying
Mothers brothers daughters fathers crying
Pleading for the truth emerge
Screaming for the New Earth
Praying for the evil to disperse
It hurts
For One to bleed, cuts the whole universe
Before it gets better, its gets worse
Greed got the whole world submerged
Haven’t we all been invited
To follow our hearts and stand united
To ignore the false prophets who would keep us divided
I pray to Spirit, Creator of the All
hear my call, hear my roar
I summon you as you have summoned me before
I cannot stand for this anymore
A lifetime a chores
Awakened only to find the others still snore
I know that what you have in store, is heaven
And I do I do stand in faith of your resurrection
I ask Father only for the immediate collection
Of the souls of star soldiers to make their destined connection
For so many signs have signaled the mission
Yes some seeds became deaf here but I still listen
And for those who do not hear You may it be written
I pray Spirit, please make it clear right now
Let it be known to those who made vow
Let it be spoken from You through me through my mouth
Yes I remember, I remember who I am
I am You Spirit I understand
I see now that the choice lies in our hands
To ignore one’s free will is to choose the damned
So may we all stand tall
And choose that which we were called
For closed eyes cannot see at all
And they who walk a blind path are destined to fall
May we become One
With each other and with You
The mysterious need not a clue
For heart within carries the truth
Let go of what your harboring
It’s time to give the gifts you bring
You my love are Sanctuary
Forever eternal yet still temporary
With what deeds shall you be buried?
Do you hide from the storm, afraid to get wet?
Only to be a soul sobbing in regret
Will you not honor the oath that you’ve made?
Instead hope that another will bring better days?
Was it not you who wished to serve others?
To bring light unto all sisters and brothers?
To be the dawn of another soul’s day?
To encourage new life, laughter and play?
For you dear are a pioneer
It is now and here you must relinquish your fear
Transform forever into your highest self
It is in giving that we receive the greatest wealth
It’s time now, we have reached the hour
For all starseeds to become starflowers
Yes I am You and You are I
Only in Oneness may We break chains and fly
Soar further, into the New Land
Where harmony resides for all women, kids, and man
A leap of faith into the unknown
Trust in Spirit and return back home
May these words vibrate deep in your bones
We all need each other we can't do it alone
Freedom demands All become brave
Absolved of all pain guilt and shame
Awaken now for all that you cherish
Lest you hesitate and the last chance perish
Starseed Starseed
You’ve already been shown what to do
The choice is yours
And the fate of humanity depends upon you
- Kaiel