Feet Please Fail Me

I am a thought
A spark of what if
The power of love who became a conscious gift

To the mind, a mystery
My heart smiles sure
To understand one must first willingly endure

Feet please fail me
This walk, tis not for the body
It is inside I shall discover God's oddity

In silence I move closer
To the heaven once unseen
The fog of false for once a fading dream

Process the process
As I sleep and I awake
The deeper I go the less rest it takes

Eat or tabernacle
Hold on or let go
Only in darkness can light be shown

The night isn't so bad
But my, is this the day
That my acceptance of shadows fades them away

He always forgives
There is no end to His wealth
I need only to forgive my imperfect self

Surrender to judgment
Let all sins be
Hold them in the sun and set myself free

Man becomes the world
Whenever he so chooses
So lose the mind dear One and sing to the soul's music

- Kaiel

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