Young Journalists Capture Secrets of Bohemian Grove Satanic Rituals On Film

For the last 146 years, some of the most powerful men in the world have been gathering together during July for what could be considered the world’s most secret event. But this year, a large group of journalists decided to crash the “party”.

Bohemian Grove has been a mysterious ritualistic meeting place that has thwarted outsiders for generations. Spanning 2,700 acres in northern California, it was founded in 1878 and belongs to a private gentlemen’s club called the Bohemian Club. What might have started out as a harmless camping getaway for grown men seems to have turned into something more sinister after footage was revealed by Alex Jones, who snuck in and filmed the event over 24 years ago. Now, a new generation is following suit.

A large group of young journalists decided to infiltrate Bohemian Grove this year in an attempt to reveal the dark secrets which have been whispered throughout the event’s history. Lead by a young man who goes by Reckless Ben and his friends, the group made it into the private show rather easily despite the large security presence.

The group claims to have recorded hours and hours of footage between the 20 of them, and is planning to release a documentary in the near future. The clip below shows men in robes and torches walking in formation.

Despite going undetected for nearly two weeks during the event, several of the journalists were detained and intimidated before eventually being arrested.

To learn more about Bohemian Grove, check out the full length documentary made by Alex Jones Below.

Bohemian Grove – Alex Jones

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