Alex Jones Overcomes Federal Show Trial To Keep InfoWars Going

In another attempt to shut down free speech, the federal government made their cards blatantly obvious when they came after Alex Jones over something he said, not did, several years ago. And for the first time, the court saw some resemblance of reasoning.

It’s amazing that people can get more offended about someone trying to expose conspiracies than at the conspiracies themselves. Alex Jones has been at the forefront of exposing cover-ups, coups, and conspiracies for nearly three decades, having been absolutely spot on about serious world events including 9/11, a biomedical takeover via a manmade virus, martial law, carbon taxes, the Russia/Ukraine war, and sadly a hell of a lot more. And that’s why they want him silenced.

The game of the conspiracy theorist is a difficult one, a game which requires speculation as much as it does research. And sometimes initial theories simply aren’t right. That seems to be the case with Jones’ take on Sandy Hook, even though there were a fair amount of points which didn’t add up. Nevertheless, it is our Constitutional right to speculate about any event that effects our country as a whole. That’s all that Alex did. He didn’t break any laws, he didn’t shoot anyone, nor did he prevent parents and police from stopping a school shooting like in Uvalde, Texas. Yet he is being punished far worse than those who did.

What started as a several million dollar lawsuit has now reached 1.5 billion dollars against Jones. This absurd number with no logical justification was not really about providing justice to the families of Sandy Hook, of whom the victims could never receive enough money to account for the losses, but instead to scare those who would speak against the mainstream narrative. But after the prosecutors made it clear they didn’t want his money and instead wanted him shut down, the judge favored Alex Jones.

Despite trying to lock the doors of Info Wars without a court order, attempting to get charges Jones for legal firearms, and forcing the jury to make a decision, Alex is for the moment still able to run his media company for the time being. What they’ll try do next, we’ll just have to wait and see.

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