Physical and Metaphysical Attacks on Humanity by Means of Deception

Throughout the kingdom of nature, this persistently mystical place where told and untold wisdom has been obtained by humanity through observation, connection, question, and experience, there exists among the full spectrum of occurrences, examples of what may be considered unfavorable happenings. Specifically, of deceptive type behavior for the purpose of catching prey. We can witness it, for instance, in species such as the angler fish, whose glowing headlight baits victims in as it cloaks itself in darkness. There is also the spider-tailed horned viper, whose tail looks as the name entails, so designed to trick birds into believing there is a meal available; thus giving the viper an easy catch. And forget not the assassin bug who enters the web of a spider willingly, plucking the strings of the web to mimic the vibration of a typical target, only to draw the spider to its fatal end.

While humanity strives to create a world in which our predators are obsolete, we cannot fail to recognize their presence in the here and now, for it is a hard truth. Try as they might to cover their tracks, evidence of their existence can be found in droves. But it is no longer the predators of old. Bears, sharks, tigers and wolves look quite gentle in comparison to the monsters who wish to prey upon us now, and who have for too long. And they are masters of disguise and deception.

Who are these predators? How do they hide from us? And what methods do they use to lure us in? These are the questions we must ask if we are to take the precautionary steps in protecting ourselves against them. To assume that these considerations are unnecessary, or even comical, may suggest that one is perhaps already hypnotized by the glowing light of the angler fish.

You see don’t you, that seeking is a pre-requisite to discovering truth. If one refuses to take a deeper look into that which enters his peripheral, then he will fail to learn of the possible disguised mal-intent which lurks beneath. This is not to say that within all things is concealed mal-intent, rather it suggests that in all environments there exists SOME which hide their true nature; and in nature, darkness can always be found. Therefore by seeking, and observing, we can among other things identify common patterns which dictate whether a consciousness has a benevolent intent, or a malevolent one.

The predators we face today are first and foremost, a CONSCIOUSNESS. They originate from an intelligence which has the capability to infiltrate any suitable vehicle in order to carry out its malicious behavior. Similar to the Ophiocordyceps mushroom, the Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga wasp, or even the Spinochordodes tellinii worm, this consciousness can attach itself to the target, and spread itself once having done so; generally killing the victim in the end. Unfortunately for us, this branch of consciousness does not prefer ants or grasshoppers. It has found the greatest use when working through human beings. For would not a consciousness formed within the plant and animal kingdom also seek to exist within the human realm? If that is indeed the case, then we must actively shield ourselves if we hope to repel this unsavory adversary. Each encounter avoided could mean countless saved. And, while it may be above our spiritual pay grade to eradicate this consciousness entirely (that job being left to the supreme divinities), we can at the very minimum starve it enough to send its bottomless hunger elsewhere.

Top Left – Ophiocordyceps / Bottom Left – Spinochordodes tellinii / Right – Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga

The trouble with a predatory metaphysical consciousness is that it is difficult to see. At least, by itself. But once it has bound itself to a physical victim, its behaviors become more noticeable. Might we first look at the qualifications of a victim, in order to better understand how the intelligence operates, and then we can review the actions of the victim under the spell of the consciousness itself.

Like a lion stalking a water buffalo, the metaphysical predator seeks out the isolated individual. One who is cut off from the physical protection of community and from the metaphysical protection of Source makes an easy and ideal target. This is because we are generally protected mentally/physically/spiritually by our tribes and by our spirit guides. Certainly we are stronger with them. The victim will also possess notable character traits which make him more likely to be duped. For one, he will have a wound, though typically not in a physical sense (possible however). Instead this wound is often of a mental or spiritual nature, which like blood, sends the metaphysical consciousness a signal of distress in the victim. This wound usually originates in some sort of experiential trauma, either in childhood or later in life. Secondly, the prey will likely be of the mental stance that there is no greater power who is above himself. He will have no allegiance to God or Gods. This is key to the predator as it will allow the beast to isolate the individual further, and worse, make him believe that not only is he separate from everyone and everything, but that he is better than the universe around him and should seek to dominate it. Third, the victim himself may demonstrate desires of mal-intent. Hatred, disgust, revenge, can very well dwell within the individual soon possessed, and the more powerful these feelings are, the more widely the door is left open for the stalker to attack. Lastly and most frighteningly, are those who actually desire the predator to take over them. While the reason behind this is not entirely clear, it’s possibly due to the loneliness of their prolonged separation from self and from truth.

Once captured, the predator can now begin the next stage of its work. The goal is always and only more victims (or accomplices), as the predator can never satisfy its hunger; nor can it survive without prey. Thus it conspires to use its current host to acquire more. And it is here that by observing the behaviors and actions of the one under such influence we are able to evolve our own sensory signals in order to guard ourselves and our tribes against such a spread.

Notice that in the qualifications listed above, there are no mentions of physical characteristics. Only non-physical ones. This makes it even more difficult to distinguish someone held captive and benefits the predator greatly. Therefore we should not look for physical attributes, but instead patterns which will eventually emerge into a physical environment. It is worth noting that while these predators can and do manifest in all corners of society, they will by universal law begin attracting one another, growing in strength, but also in visibility.

Below are some of the tactics employed by predators of humanity:

  1. They suppress information and knowledge: Deception being a cornerstone of their nature, they hide their origins, intentions, actions, and passions. They know that a revelation of such things would mean exposure and therefore extinction.
  2. They divert and distract your attention: Like a well seasoned magician, drawing your attention one way allows for tricks to take place in another.
  3. They separate you: Instead of moving towards a deeper connection with others, they sever it by any means necessary, dividing in order to conquer.
  4. They instill fear: Well versed in the power of fear and its ability to destroy reason and love, predators will seek to grow fear in the victim, only to pose as a savior to the imaginary problems they themselves created.
  5. They threaten you: Trepidation to do as they wish will reveal their true intent, and various forms of threats will emerge from the predator as a result.

But perhaps the most effective of their methods is the manipulation of reality itself. After all, what could be more dominating than to control the very fabric of the victim’s reality? What could possibly be more confusing? While the details of technique are varied, the fundamental methodology remains the same. Wrap the lie, the illusion, up in a bit of truth. That way it is concealed from the mind and palatable to the senses.

The Matrix – Neo’s Initial Awakening to Reality

Understanding these methods is a preliminary step in preventing their dispersal. It also allows us to identify where such patterns continually emerge from. One need not be a professor nor scientist to determine that all of these tactics are continually produced by a minority of the population by in large, and one might further discern that this minority has grouped together to increase their capacity. Any ideas which group that might possibly be? That’s right. The self proclaimed elitists.

As mentioned earlier, one of the indicators of a potential metaphysical infiltration (or invitation) is a belief that one is greater than his fellow man, making it his right to dominate. While each of us are endowed special gifts that by nature exceed the average ability, most have the awareness that their gift was given to them in order to SHARE it with his earthly brothers and sisters. In doing so he is reciprocally rewarded physically/mentally/spiritually by his community, both from the joy which giving produces, and in receiving the gifts others bring to the table. In the case of the “elites” however, they operate under the philosophy that their gifts are somehow superior, and that the gifts of others are free for the taking, culminating in a disregarding and abusive start to a relationship in which only they themselves can ever benefit from.

It is no doubt baffling, the shear bottomlessness the appetite of these predators possess. A lion ceases to hunt once he has gotten his catch; the laws of nature maintain ecological balance through a quota of satisfaction. But like a parasite, our stalker never becomes satisfied. This is a key pattern to recognize in this predatory consciousness, and it becomes quite evident in this minority’s accumulation of wealth and power, of resource and policy, of ability and control. Not to mention their occult practices going back centuries.

It is not within this discussion to divulge upon the rights of an individual to amass great power and wealth. It is sufficient enough to assume that each has the right to do so if he wishes. A better question is, how can so many find such great fulfillment, purpose, and joy in having so little, while others can have billions of dollars, multiple houses, cars, planes, boats, and businesses, yet remain unfulfilled? It is not farfetched to compare these patterns with that of light and dark. The light, needing nothing, gives all. The dark, retaining nothing, consumes all.

Whatever the mechanisms behind these occurrences, the predators inadvertently provide justification for their actions. It’s a sort of natural selection, too dumb to see the glowing headlight of the angler fish in front of you kind of attitude, denoting that your ignorance equals your consent. And that may be true. However, consent works both ways. If it is true that universal law protects this consciousness by the “consent” of the victims, then equally must the accomplice take responsibility for its actions, for so too did he submit his own free will, and thus is also at fault and subject to justice.

All wrongs right themselves in the end. Justice will be served one way or another, be it by the divine or by our own divine will. But before judgment day arrives, it would be prudent to halt further destruction, as the case file needs no more victims. Here are some ways to counteract the behaviors of the predators manifesting within the elitists.

  1. Become aware: Initiate the cyclical process of seeking and finding. By doing so you can discover the hidden clauses, contracts, and coercions of physical/metaphysical predators.
  2. Cultivate presence: Strengthen your ability to focus, directing your will power instead of it being directed for you.
  3. Remain connected: Connect with God in whatever way is meaningful to YOU. Reinforce community with your family, friends, and neighbors.
  4. Pursue love: A far more powerful energy than fear, allow love to shield you against darkness. Do not fall for the fear trap, which only makes things worse.
  5. Be brave: Prestigious even among the highest virtues, bravery always rewards those bold enough to stand up for what is right, despite the challenges in front of them.

Then there is the matter of navigating reality, with the inflicted manipulation of those physical or not, to discover once more (or even for the first time), a homeostatic resonance of grand peace. To do so, we must first trust ourselves. Trusting your innermost self over external influence is a necessary step in developing a real understanding of the world around you. This is because built within are compasses, signals, and understandings which have an evolutionary time advantage over philosophies which can be changed or manipulated to suit another and their intentions. Secondly, we must spread the truth. If the truth is to set us free, then we must also free IT. To learn of the truth, only to hold on to it for fear that it may harm others, is a grave mistake, and is often the impetuous for the warden like behavior of “this is for YOUR safety”. Let each individual decide for him/herself what they are to do with the truth. Our only job is to pass it on. In doing so, we relinquish the burden of carrying the truth, which grows heavier with each passing day.

It is within our control to mitigate and prevent the damage caused by predatory consciousnesses who operate within physical and metaphysical realms. While others can point to the doorway of the awakened reality, one untethered by the illusory chains of malevolent forces seeking to feed, only you can choose to seek. By doing so, you initiate the necessary steps to move towards love, truth, freedom, and peace.

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