The Joe Rogan Podcast is known for exploring the latest buzz on an array of secret topics including ancient mysteries, spirituality, conspiracies, aliens, psychedelics – practically anything out of the ordinary. And this week an enlightening discussion on the platform regarding UFO’s came from a rather unexpected guest: Tucker Carlson.
A well known writer and news anchor who recently left his post at FOX News, Tucker Carlson has displayed a strong interest in the mysteries surrounding the great awakening over the last several months, and since starting his own show, has conducted interviews with the some of the biggest names exposing cover-ups.
During his talk with Joe Rogan, Carlson expressed his philosophy on unidentified flying objects. While many of these ideas are not necessarily new to the UFO community, Tucker was able to string his theory along with a healthy balance of logic and instinct – a challenging task considering the theme.
Here are a few key highlights from the conversation:
UFO’s Could Be Operated Spiritually
Generally, we think of spacecrafts as an advanced form of technology, ones which have had the benefit of thousands or even millions of years ahead of our own evolution. But Tucker Carlson proposed a different viewpoint.
“So if they’re spiritual beings, and I believe they are…” he told Rogan. When met with Joe’s skepticism, he humbly continued “Spiritual may be the wrong word. Supernatural you know, they’re beyond nature as we understand it.”
Tucker was hinting to the idea that it may not be an advanced technology, but rather an advanced spirituality which allows them to behave outside our current understanding of physics. Interdimensional aliens, light beings, and time travelers are frequently referenced when experts are attempting to both understand and explain the nature of this consistent phenomena. The fact that Tucker Carlson resonates with these theories is a big step in main stream media exposure.
The Laws of Good and Evil Apply to Extraterrestrials
If light and dark exists throughout our world and the known universe, wouldn’t it be likely other civilizations are also bound by the same mechanisms? According to Carlson, he feels that some aren’t the benevolent beings we’d all prefer to encounter.
“It’s binary. Either, you know, you’re on team good or team bad…and I think some of them are bad,” said Tucker during the interview.
Again, not a novel idea, but certainly one that needs more attention. After all, we as human beings are designed to identify both opportunities and threats. Whose to say different interdimensional species wouldn’t bring both?
The Government Doesn’t Want to Show Their Cards
Big shocker. But fair game to Tucker for at least trying to give a logical explanation as to why the US Government hasn’t disclosed as much (or any) information the public has sought for so long regarding UFO’s.
“So there are two possible explanations…the first is the one you often hear which is this is so heavy that if the public were to know about it, it would be just disruptive. It’d be too scary, like you don’t want to scare people for no good reason. The second} suggest that you know the US military isn’t capable of protecting the country… and you don’t want to tell people that.”
However neither of these reasons are good enough to hide something as impactful as contact. He does follow this line of questioning though, asking “What is the US government’s relationship with these things? There’s evidence that there IS a relationship and that it’s longstanding, and that raises a lot of questions.”
It’s important to ask the hard questions, and even more important to challenge our own beliefs. Good on Mr. Carlson for doing both on the biggest stage online.