Golden Orb Descends Directly Into Active Volcano

A video has surfaced showing a glowing orb shaped UFO descending into an active volcano in Mexico.

The footage, posted by The Sun, was recorded by monitoring cameras nearby and captured the strange light as it came from the sky and down into Popocatepetl, Mexico’s second highest peak and one of it’s most active volcanoes.

There have been numerous reports of UFO activity around well known mountains including the legendary Mt. Shasta in California, the eerie Mt. Adams in Washington, and the powerful Mt. Hayes in Alaska. Many believe these mountains act as bases, or in this case portals, in which aliens can travel vast distances across the galaxy.

UFO researcher and expert Jaime Maussan has long expressed his belief that Popocatepetl is an inter-dimensional portal, wherein the magnetic fields of the Sun and Earth meet due to magnetic storms which generate election diffusion, creating a wormhole similar to the infamous Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Additionally, many members of the Puebla community have reported UFOs near the volcano spanning over 2 decades, with 5 official reports found on the National UFO Reporting Center website.

A video posted by pop culture. shows what looks like to be the same occurrence from a different angle. However this footage was captured on July 18th, 2020.

There have also been reports of UFOs – more recently known as UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) – leaving Popocatepetl as opposed to entering it. In 2023 a UAP was captured by a webcam and shows a cylinder like shape shooting out of the Volcano at a diagonal. In the same video, a disc-shaped craft is shown flying directly over the peak, parallel to the ground.

Just last month, the Pentagon published their UFO report mandated by Congress. The report showed zero findings regarding alien life or that any flying objects were “unidentified”, despite thousands of sightings reported every year in the U.S…. alone.

“All investigative efforts, at all levels of classification, concluded that most sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification,” the report read.

Whatever these videos show, it certainly isn’t ordinary. Why does Popocatepetl consistently reveal strange UFO phenomena? Could it really be an alien base, or an interdimensional portal?

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